Saturday, October 8, 2011


Sorry haven't been on much, most recently, I had a pretty good birthday thanks to my online potsie and eds buddies who talked to me and sent me gifts on my bday and one of those gifts was a bp machine amongst other things including a beautiful Bible which I love, some little notebbooks a ouple llittle  craft kits, two life and God books ad earplugs and othe things I love it all.. I am too tired to list everything I got, but I also got floewers fom one, a box of like kid bday stuff that made me laugh and I playe dwith it, I am still a kid in some wasy ol, a box of food way befoee my bday and a card for my early bday presentm a few other cards, a box with art stuff and a bear, a new keyboad haven't disovered how to install yet lol. Okay ataully that is pretty muh everything haha  I am so thankful to all you guys that sent me stuff, love ya all HUGS. I have finally started home Ocupational and Physical therapy. I have a very nice physial therapist and an awesome Ocupational therapist, I say awesome ot beause she has said she would help me find a way to get out of the house, like get housing, disability, food staqmps and medial equipment and also said she woulsd help retrain my body to do Ativities of sdiaily living again and een be able to cook whih I never have been able to.  Also I have been getting my cnas and nurses. I like my na too, she is nice. That is the good news. The bad news is, mydoctor is dropping me, because his dad got in a fight with my Mom so to punish her he is making his son rop me, whih apparently is allowed beausethe fathe oholds the voting rights of the pratie and the son who is my doc said he didn't want to drop me. I will now have to find a new do, but no other do I ould find in the state would take someone with my conditions and on my meds, especailly one of my meds and I am not supposed to go off that one and may be on it the rest of my life.  Also my beautiful freind Alexa passed away, so I am mouning he loss, but going to try and honor he by fighting fo  people with EDS and POtTS etc. RIP ALEXA! She is an amazing Angel now, she an fly free! Throughout all this it has been rough and more going on, but this is some of the moe recent main stuff. I am staying strong and just getting through, hoping soon I an do more then just survibve, but I am glad to be alive desite  all of this, some people say they want God to just take them from it al and I don't right now I want to live and see God when I am done livving my life and right now I am not even close! I will hoepfully tell you guys moe soon! LOVE AND HUGS TO YOU ALL!

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